Wednesday, August 5, 2009

SEO question about keywords?


I%26#039;m learning web site building and have a question about search engine optimization (SEO). Is it better to have one group of keywords/metatags for the whole site, or should I make seperate set of keywords for each page, based on its%26#039; content?

My hosting and site builder gives me that option, but I dunno whats best.


SEO question about keywords?

The answer is YES and NO.

YES - you should have specific set of keywords/keyword phrases for different AND IMPORTANT web pages e.g. home page and web pages that consist of your main product or service to be promoted and need to acquire best SERP

NO - There is no necessity to have specific set of keywords/keyword phrases for those UNIMPORTANT or less important web pages. You may simply adopt your index page meta keywords for all those web pages - Please note that however each web page must have its own appropriate meta description and title accordingly.

Please also note that you should adopt and build your web page content according to the targeted keywords you have identified and not vice-verse as mentioned by you.


SEO question about keywords?

Generally you should use keywords specific to the page%26#039;s content, so that search engines can appropriately categorize your page.

For your site overall you should have keywords referencing the site (e.g. in CSS master pages, summary pages, etc), but for specific pages or blog posting or articles your keywords should reflect the specific content.

Other Replys:Without question you will ideally do specific meta tags (title, description and keywords) for every specific page. You should target one phrase or 3 or 4 words per page.

The keywords in the meta tags should also be in the page content and of a density of 3-10% ideally (that means the words you are targetting for that page).

Other Replys:The keyword meta tag has become less and less important to the search engines. One of the most important factors in site relevancy is the use of the keywords in the page title.

Each page should be optimized based on relevant keywords that match your content. Try not to have one page rank for ten keywords, but limit the focus on one to three main keywords.

Other Replys:wouldn%26#039;t have a clue mate


Other Replys:wouldnt have a clue really


Other Replys:It would be ideal in terms of seo to have a different keywords on each page with an associated main keyword from the main page.

Meta%26#039;s though not much being used much, it would be good to have a part of it on each page.

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