I designed my web page for my music production company in photoshop. I%26#039;m not the greatest designer but i%26#039;m on a really tight budget so i had to do the best i could.
I%26#039;m stuck now..because i purchased a domain and i have hosting...all i need now is for someone to code the site for me. I%26#039;m also thinking about incorporating a flash intro (nothing too complicated) and to somehow add a flash music player in the music section of the site.
Does anyone have any suggestions? is there a site that has a listing of programmers for this?
Where can i get a webpage coded?
If it%26#039;s not too much of a waste of your valuable time you could learn to code it yourself. It%26#039;s not too difficult although like everything there is a learning curve. It is also lots of fun and you will be able to edit the site yourself without additional cost.
If you do wish to code it yourself for goodness sake do not use one of the packaged web design program. They will not help you at all as you will need to learn the programs and their quirks. You need to learn HTML which is the language used to write webs. (A small amount of Javascript may be necessary but nothing you can%26#039;t copy from others.)
An excellent set of tutorials on line is to be found at www.htmldog.com and a good beginner book (although horribly verbose) is the Head Start book on HTML.
Ignore the advice of tolstoi1. It always pays to start with good practices which you will never get by trying to learn by looking at other sites. You need to learn good programming practices and methods by doing, not by copying.
Good luck.
Where can i get a webpage coded?
if your on a tight budget, ive bad news. This type of work tends to run around 500$ (for a greater then one page website, assuming thats what you want).
As for coders, just google webpage development costs. You will get a bunch of quotes and companies, along with personal ones as well.
Other Replys:thinking about building a website plus with flash...dreamweaver will be ur top choice!!learn to use it,,it will just work as like photoshop..for html code ..there re too many..search all the html code for website..any function u like just search for it!!and edit it with dw...
Other Replys:The cheapest way is to find a good site, View %26gt; Source in Notepad. SCALP their code.
For most web and programming you can tutorials with YouTube. In fact, you can upload a video to YouTube, then use the %26quot;embed%26quot; code on your webpage.
Here%26#039;s an example:
On the middle-right, Embed shows the actual code that would make that video play IN YOUR PERSONAL WEB PAGE.
If you still have problems, email me your info: trimagna at yahoo dot com. I%26#039;ll see if any students in my Javascript class will volunteer to help you out.
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