If you have web- hosting and and merchant acct. (online store), can you change the browser name to something other than your yahoo store id. My home page is the website and when linked to go to the store, the browser shows my yahoo store info other than www. whatever.com.
Please help
Thank you
If possible, can you change the name of a yahoo store, that shows up in the browser window?
I had been told that once you came up with your store name (as reflected by www.yahoo.store/storename, you were stuck with it.
Now, you can add a domain name and it will show www.newdomainname.com
But when they check out of the store, it will be the old store name.
If possible, can you change the name of a yahoo store, that shows up in the browser window?
Hope this helps:
Other Replys:As in the previous answer, the link at http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/store/mana... will help with the domain redirects. What%26#039;s key is whether yahoo is hosting your domain for the store or if you have DNS being run elsewhere.
The key is if you don%26#039;t have it hosted at yahoo that you have it either point to yahoo%26#039;s dns or use a cname record (sorry geek speak) to tell it the location of that domain. It sounds like wherever you%26#039;ve got it registered now is set up with a redirect rather than the dns records needed.
Without the exact url I can%26#039;t say for sure on all the details.
Other Replys:No. you would need to cancel your old store name first and then sign up for a new domain.. or if you want to keep the old one, just sign up for an additional domain name.
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