I started a new blog about free php hosting providers several days ago. I was going to ask your suggestions on how to improve it, but I thought that it may be prohibited to ask this type of questions to prevent unwanted advertisements.
Consequently I want to ask if it is okey to give my web page address to ask for suggestions, or is it against the yahoo answers TOS? (I read the TOS but can%26#039;t see something about that, how is it in practice?)
Thanks in advance...
Is it allowed to ask for suggestions about my site?
Solicit others for any purpose.
Post content for advertising or commercial purposes.
Both of the above are don%26#039;ts and could apply.
Is it allowed to ask for suggestions about my site?
sorry, but its against yahoo%26#039;s guidlines, its considered advertising a site or product. if you posted it, it would of gotten reported and erased.
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