Monday, August 3, 2009

How to get a PHP file to be included across files in different directories?

Currently I have created some php based webpages and uploaded them to my web hosting server.It has a PHP 5.1.6

installed.With this I am able to include files only that are in the same directory(they work well using require() fn).If not an error message displaying some %26quot;no such file%26quot; in directory appears in the page.I would like to use them to be included in different direcetories.What should I do?

How to get a PHP file to be included across files in different directories?

create the directories and include the names when using the require() function.

example :

your index.php is in the root directory


and you have a directory with your other php files in


so in index.php you will have


How to get a PHP file to be included across files in different directories?

Yes thats right you could use a require() method and specify the path of the file to call or else you could use the include method. For example



$color = %26#039;green%26#039;;

$fruit = %26#039;apple%26#039;;




echo %26quot;A $color $fruit%26quot;; // A

include %26#039;vars.php%26#039;;

echo %26quot;A $color $fruit%26quot;; // A green apple


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