Monday, August 3, 2009

To web designers?

I am completing my first web site using Dreamweaver 8, I am about to upload it to my host site but I discovered a problem.

I am using flash buttons for my main navigation bar, when I pre-view my site on my internet explorer at home it looks fine, also I checked it on a couple of friends home computers and again, it works the way I desire it to work....

I tried it on my pc at the job and when I try to preview my site from the jobs internet explorer I receive a warning

%26quot; internet explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer%26quot;

and my flash buttons don%26#039;t show.

What can I do to fix this short of removing the flash button navigation, as I like the way it looks and my pages are build mostly from templates and removing the flash buttons will mean a lot of work to find a replacement button.

Could someone please advise.?

Secondly I see alot of sites with .gif navigation buttons how is best to make these, Photoshop or Fireworks

To web designers?

Flash content is usually blocked at work and schools because embedded hijacking code can be placed within its objects, such as buttons.

Most sites offer on the front page the option to choose between a flash site, and a standard HTML site.

Here is a good site for web programming references:

To web designers?

Okay, first, for the Active Content message, that%26#039;s a security setting on Internet Explorer. You%26#039;ll need to lower security, assuming you have the authority to do so on the job site.

Tools, internet options, security.... look at what level current security is set at, and either reduce, or set a custom level that allows the active content. You can google the setting for details...

As for the .gif navigation buttons, since you are already using Dreamweaver, I%26#039;d go with Fireworks. They integrate nicely, and you could get the whole Studio 8 package as an upgrade to Dreamweaver (assuming it%26#039;s properly licensed) for less then the cost of Photoshop!

Other Replys:Tools %26gt; Internet Options, then go to the Advanced tab if I remember correctly and make sure you have ActiveX and couple other options checked (forget exactly, haven%26#039;t used IE in what feels like forever now). Second, check your security settings. As for GIF buttons, I%26#039;ve used Photosohp, but Fireworks I think could work, too, but I%26#039;m not sure since I don%26#039;t use it.

Other Replys:Happens all the time. Right click the bar where it says this (I assume its yellow?) and click on activate content or whatever and it%26#039;ll work. Higher security IE%26#039;s will always give a prompt when a simple animation is about to be displayed. Stupid PCs with IE can%26#039;t tell the difference.

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