Monday, August 3, 2009

I have purchaes a website name address. I don't know how to make the website work.?

Do I have to have a hosting company? How does that work? Do I have to get an account? How do I put the designed web page on the web? Please any help would be appreciated.

I have purchaes a website name address. I don%26#039;t know how to make the website work.?

Hi MG,

I joined a very famous internet marketing company recently and paid big bucks for the knowledge that you are looking for.

As part of the overall membership they offer their members a full course of 256 videos that guide you through setting up websites but you need a username and password to %26quot;unlock%26quot; the page.

If you want you can use mine. I know that desperate feeling when you want to set up a website but just don%26#039;t know how.

Just go to

username = members

mypassword= candy

It%26#039;s literally the best package I have ever seen offered on the interent for helping people build websites and the videos are so easy to follow that you%26#039;ll be up and running in no time.

Hope this helps,



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